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merv 10 filter

Glasfloss 20x25x4 – MERV 13 – Pleated Air Filter – Furnace Air Filter – Made in USA (Actual Size: 19 1/2 x 24 1/2 x 3 3/4″)


  • Glasfloss 20x25x4 Z-Line MERV 13 Pleated Air Filters – Furnace Air Filter for AC or HVAC Furnace. Rigorously tested for Performance, Quality and Satisfaction guaranteed. The Glasfloss MR-13 provide clean air to keep occupant lungs healthy and strong. Must try.
  • Filter Media: 100% Synthetic Electret/Mechanical media, manufactured and supplied by Kimberly-Clarke a trustworthy USA company, which offer less airflow resistance, provide superior Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and will save you in energy costs.
  • Performance Test: The Glasfloss 20x25x4 must meet or exceed ANSI/ASHRAE 52.2 American Test Standards for MERV 13 rating. The Z-Line filters are classified under UL 900 Std and must withstand 1800 F (820C) temperature.
  • Collects 98% of Airborne particles of 0.1 micron and above including Dust, Lint, Debris, Pollen and Pet Dander. Glasfloss Filters last up to 90 Days without losing it performance rating.
  • The Glasfloss serving USA in the Filtration field since 1936 with many years of experience. All filters and filter materials are procured and assembled in USA in one of the five (5) factories located around continental USA. Millions of our customers in Residential & Commercial sector have tried Glasfloss filters for last 80 plus years with complete satisfaction and peace of mind.

Glasfloss 20x25x4 Commercial Grade Z-Line – MERV 13Pleated Air Filter – Furnace Air Filter.

Meet Green Building Council Program, Keeps your Lungs Healthy, Commercial Grade with Very High Efficiency.


The Glasfloss 20x25x4 Z-Line MERV 13 Commercial Grade Pleated filter offers high efficiency performance with MERV 13 rating (Minimum Efficiency Rating Value). The 20x25x4 MERV 13 filters extract micro fine particles (0.1 micron) from circulating air, meet Indoor Air Quality requirements. The higher MERV 13 rating allows to hold more Micro Dust Particles, Lint, Mold, Pollen, Debris, Dust Mites & Bacteria. These filters qualify for LEED points in Green Building Council rating program.


FILTER MEDIA: The Glasfloss 20x25x4 are made 100% Synthetic fibers that are electrostatically charged media made by Kimberly-Clarke USA a well reputed company, offers very high MERV rating, low pressure drop, do not absorb moisture & resist microbial growth.


MERV 13 Test RESULTS: The Glasfloss 20x25x4 MERV 13  qualifies for LEED points in Green Building Council program. These filters meets & exceed MERV 13 rating under ANSI/ASHRAE 52.2 test procedures. The Glasfloss filters are classified under UL Standard 900 for flammability requirement and maximum operating temperature limit is 1800F (820C).


V-PLEATS DESIGN: The Glasfloss 20x25x4 V-Pleats design increase the media’s surface area of contact with Air Flow hence collect maximum Fine/Micro Dust Particles, Lint, Molds, Bacteria, Pollen, Debris and smoke/VOCs. The excellent filters for removing Allergens from indoor air.


FILTER MEDIA SUPPORT:  The heavy duty, galvanized, expanded metal reinforcement is laminated to the air exit side by Thermosetting Adhesive to maintain the structural integrity of the radial pleats.


FRAME: A heavy-duty two-piece moisture resistance frame with diagonal & horizontal support members bonded by thermosetting adhesive to the media and seals to the outer edges to avoid the leakage during high velocity air flow through filters section.


APPLICATIONS: The Glasfloss 20x25x4 Z-Line MERV 13 are supper choice for Residential, Commercial Buildings, Hospitals, School/Universities, Clean Rooms Environment, Laboratories, Pharmaceuticals and many other governmental and industrial application for prefilter use.


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