Facts about Air filters

Facts about Air filters

Its time to get to know about HVAC system planted in your house and office. Filters are becoming an integral part of your lifestyle. They are essential in maintaining the indoor air quality and improves air inside. This helps with breathing problems and other respiratory issues. Let’s check out some of the facts you will be interested to know.

What is air filter made of?

Air filters are made of porous pleated paper, spun fibre glass or cotton based cloth. It is enclosed in a frame. You can make your own air filter by fixing a filter to a frame or box fan.

Are air filters washable?

Not all air filters are washable. Some can be washed while other need to be changed. The washable ones are reusable, last longer but dry them completely before fitting it, as a wet filter can attract moss.

They Bring allergy relief

If you are suffering from allergies, filters can be a great way to help you with that. HEPA filters are able to trap pollen, dander, dust, debris, mold spores, mites, which are reasons leading to allergies. You will notice a significant change in air quality and your a big relief from your allergies. But, in order to trap micro particles, you need a special air filter. HEPA filters can only help with basic allergies and improving air quality resulting in better breathing.

How long does an air filter lasts?

It will lasts depending upon how much you keep it clean, Filter replacement depends upon the type of place. If you have dust, pet dander, you are required to change it more frequently. Keep checking on filter on monthly basis.


They give protection

Not only they purify the air, but also provide protection to your AC system. Too much debris and dust can destroy your AC. Pre filters are meant to protect the inner filters to last longer and increase their efficiency.

Why to consider MERV?

MERV stands for  Minimum Efficiency Value. It is important to consider to compare performances of different filters. It shows the ability of a filter to capture particles, ranging from 0.3 to 10 microns. The higher the MERV rating, the higher is its capability to capture larger particles.

Right size matters

Not all filters set rightly. You need to get the exact size to make it work properly. They come in different sizes. They range from 3,4,6 inches widths.


Get in touch with our team at American Air zone.  to buy the best air filters for your offices and home. our professional team will guide you properly, check your house , and suggest the best size and type needed.

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