Improving Indoor Air Quality

Improving Indoor Air Quality

Working on healthy eating habits, lifestyle, exercise routine, sleeping patterns is being emphasized a lot. You see posts about them on social media, YouTube channels, tv shows featuring the importance about them, advertisements and blogs online as well as in magazines. But one essential aspect, all health care experts and online influencers forget is how we can achieve a healthy environment within our own spaces by enhancing the air quality we breathe in. Of course, this is not the only thing we should be focusing on, but this can’t be ignored also. It is simply not just a luxury, its a lifestyle habit we should be adopting more often. Air filters can achieve this by filtering all the hazardous particles your air has.

Effect on Health

Breathing in a clean air VS breathing in polluted air will show you clear differences. There is no need to have a debate on that. What we can do is MAKE A CHOICE. Whether we want a clean air to breathe in or we can continue to compromise our lungs. And that choice starts within our own homes. We can most certainly choose a better healthy clean environment in our homes making it a dream place for us and our families. And not just homes, we can clean the air in our offices, shops as well.

Controlling outside air is getting out of hands even for the administrations. Increasing number of cars, industrial areas are contributing towards more and more bad air. Wearing masks outside is a great option for air filtering, as well as protecting yourself and others from viruses.

A local survey was done, regarding breathing in clean fresh air, free from pollutants and then breathing in outside air. People who were a part of this felt a major difference in air quality and also talked about how quality air affected their moods. This quality air will lead to better health in long run as well. After the survey was done, all of the volunteers chose to get air filters for their homes and offices.

Let’s get to all the ways and keys we can imply to improve the quality of air, pertaining to a fresh healthy air to be able to breathe in.

  1. Air filter, with the best pollutant filtering quality.
  2. Proper ventilation and air flow.
  3. Choosing a cost-effective air filter or purifier.
  4. Using more than one air filters in a spacious area.
  5. Getting a combo filter having an anti-bacterial filter.
  6. Cleaning your floors, rugs, mattresses more frequently.
  7. Adding House plants that are effective at air purifying.

When you are choosing an air filter, make sure it can filter a small range of particles as well. Particles involving dust, debris, even allergens. Capturing a large amount of small ranged particles by installing filters, have lead to decreased respiratory and breathing problems, and an overall impact on short-term and long-term health benefits.

Allowing outside air to come inside actually helps in improved ventilation.  Exhausts in kitchen, bathrooms helps remove particles, bad odor and aids ventilation.  Its important to expel indoor contaminants to allow fresher air stay. Ventilation allows you to do it. It also helps in controlling indoor temperatures. When its too hot, opening windows and doors may actually help reduce temperatures.

The higher the rate of collecting air pollutants from air and filtering higher amount air contributes to the effectiveness of an air filter. A good air filter provides a good amount of air circulation as well as good collector. Having an air purifier which has a lower rate of circulation but an efficient collector is simply ineffective. You need both traits in your air filter to ensure a good circulation of clean air.

HEPA Filter

HEPA filter(High Efficiency Particulate Air) in an effective filter system comprising of  a medium, pretreatment, blower filters in that system. It is known to filter even microorganisms from the air proving a best option to be used in hospitals, health care centers and for people with vascular problems. HEPA filter removes hazardous particles, like dust, mites, fungi, viruses and microns too. It combats polluted hazardous air perfectly and delivers fresh one.

Do not forget to clean your floors regularly. Moping daily with washing often will help create a clean area. Rugs are stuffed with dust, mites, debris, hair and bacteria. Get rid off those frequently by washing it or using a vacuum cleaner.

Breathing in fresh air which gives sense of pleasure and does not leave you with infections should be your priority. Get yourself and your loved ones safe and provide them with a clean air. Get air filters, do proper cleaning, add ventilation to get maximum cleaner, pollutant free air.

Shop Best Air Filters at American Air Zone, at best possible prices achieving pure quality air.

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